Configuring Meraki

Cisco Meraki wireless device tracking and camera sensors

Before going further, see the guide on configuring desk bookings and follow all steps. This document covers

  • Client Prerequisites

  • Dashboard API configuration

  • Scanning API configuration

  • Client Integration

  • Setup PlaceOS Location Services

Client Prerequisites

  1. Upload and GEOALIGN the floor plans with google maps. The floor plans in use must be to scale. It is recommended to use PlaceOS Maps as the floor plans for accurate presentation in client applications.

  2. Position the WAPS on that floor plan as accurately as possible based on their physical positions

Dashboard API configuration

Add the Cisco Meraki Dashboard module to the location services system. Add the following settings to the module

meraki_api_key:   "configure for the dashboard API, Client to provide"

meraki_validator: "configure if scanning API is enabled, Integrator to define"
meraki_secret:    "configure if scanning API is enabled, Client to provide"

NOTE: we'll update the values here once the client has configured Meraki.

Scanning API configuration

Scanning API uses to Webhooks to pass information to PlaceOS so we'll need to configure a webhook endpoint for the Dashboard module.

On the triggers tab, add a new trigger for handling the webhook.

  1. Enable webhook functionality

  2. Select GET and POST methods

Add the trigger to your location services system

Once added, edit the webhook to enable tunnelling the data directly to the module

The link will look something like:


  • Modify the link by adding the following parameters &exec=true&mod=Dashboard&method=scanning_api

  • So the webhook URL you will provide to the Meraki Dashboard would look something like

  • This alternate format with no query params can also be provided: where 1 is the Module number (i.e. Dashboard_1)

Client Integration

Clients will need to perform the following steps for PlaceOS integration

  1. Client to generate a Meraki Dashboard API Key for the PlaceOS driver to use, read only permissions

    • We use Version 1 of the API

  2. Integrator to enter the API key into the Dashboard module settings

  3. Client to enable the Meraki Location Services Scanning API

    • Integrator to provide the webhook URL generated above

    • Integrator to provide the validator code, this can be anything, like correcthorsebatterystaple

    • Use Version 3 of the API

  4. Client to provide the Scanning API secret

  5. Integrator to enter the secret into the Dashboard module settings

Setup PlaceOS Location Services

Add the Meraki Location Service module to the location services system

The following system level settings are important:

  • default_network_id - the Meraki network we are interested, typically one per-building

  • floorplan_mappings - we need to map Meraki floorplan IDs to PlaceOS IDs

To collect this information you can execute the following functions in backoffice:

Configure the network ID in the location services system

default_network_id: "N_627126248111343"

Obtain the list of floorplans for that network

Then for each floor plan find the matching PlaceOS building and level zone IDs and add the following setting

  # Meraki Floorplan ID -> PlaceOS IDs
    building: zone-HlczU_ONm2E
    level: zone-HlczK4a7UVR
    level_name: BUILDING - L1
    building: zone-HlczU_ONm2E
    level: zone-HDvg9XMV0Jr
    # level_name is here for readability, not used.
    level_name: BUILDING - L2

At this point Meraki device location data will start appearing in the AreaManagement module.

Last updated