Create Azure App Registration (Delegated Permissions)


  • OAuth2 Callback URL from PlaceOS Authentication Source

  • Microsoft Azure Administrator Access or App Registration Role


  1. Login to Microsoft Azure Portal.

  2. Navigate to App Registration blade.

  3. Create a new App Registration called PlaceOS User Authentication

  4. Configure a Web Redirect URI with the PlaceOS Redirect URI created in the previous step eg. https://<YOUR-PLACEOS-DOMAIN>/auth/oauth2/callback?id=<OAUTH_STRAT-XXXX>

  5. Note down the:

    • Application (client) ID as this will be required to be provided to PlaceOS.

  6. Once created, navigate to Certificates and Secrets.

  7. Navigate to 'API Permissions'.

  8. Click 'Add Permission'.

  9. Click 'Microsoft Graph'.

  10. Click 'Delegated Permissions'.

  11. Add the following Permissions:

    • Calendars.ReadWrite

    • Calendars.ReadWrite.Shared

    • Group.Read.All

    • User.Read.All

    • offline_access

    • openid

    • profile

  12. Click 'Grant admin consent'

  13. This completes the App Registration.

For more detailed information about the permissions required by PlaceOS, please reference the Microsoft Azure Permissions Table.

Last updated