Configure SAML2 with Google Workspace

Steps required for enabling SAML2 sign on for PlaceOS on Google Workspace

PlaceOS uses a Custom SAML App to provide integrated SSO via Google User Authentication. For detailed steps, see Google's guide on setting up SAML

PlaceOS requires:

  • Organization data

  • Organization path

  • Users full name

  • Email address

  • Unique identifier

You may need to map these as attribute claims.

Configuring PlaceOS

Parameters required from PlaceOS for Configuration:


Assertion Consumer Service. This is where google will send authentication responses with all the claim information.

Example: https://staffapp.placeos/auth/adfs/callback?id=adfs-XXXXX

Entity ID

The Entity ID is the Audience Restriction. It dictates the intended entity or audience for the SAML Assertion. This field is frequently referred to as the "Entity ID" or "Audience URI" by vendors. It can technically be any string of data up to 1024 characters long. Most commonly it's in the form of a URL that contains the Service Provider's name, and is often the same URL as the ACS.

Start URL

This the URL that will start the authentication flow.

Example: https://staffapp.placeos/auth/adfs?id=adfs-XXXXX

Metadata URL

You can provide this URL to Google to help with the setup process.

Example: https://staffapp.placeos/auth/adfs/metadata?id=adfs-XXXXX

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