Bearer tokens

PlaceOS is an OAuth2 authentication service provider. These are a few ways to obtain a bearer token

Bearer tokens are tied to client applications. You can find the list of configured applications in Backoffice on the Domains -> Applications tab.

Password Flow

NOTE:: this flow is not recommended and only works for services accounts, it can be useful to obtain a token simply for testing.

POST /auth/oauth/token

  "grant_type"    : "password",
  "username"      : "<>",
  "password"      : "<password>",
  "client_id"     : "7976...a25be",
  # space seperated scope list
  "scope"         : "public"

This will return a new token

    "access_token": "guxu05o",
    "token_type": "bearer",
    "expires_in": 7200,
    "refresh_token": "CvUwMfso",
    "scope": "public",
    "created_at": 1642051911

you can specify more than one scope - defaults to public the scopes selected here must be a subset of those configured on the client application

Making Requests

There are three ways to make an authenticated request with a bearer token:

  1. A HTTP Header: Authorization: Bearer <token>

  2. A URL Param: ?bearer_token=<token>

  3. A HTTP Cookie: bearer_token=<token>

Inspect an existing token

GET /api/engine/v2/api_keys/inspect?bearer_token=yourtoken

GET /api/engine/v2/api_keys/inspect?api-key=yourkey

Authorisation Code Flow

This is the recommended flow for applications built on top of the PlaceOS platform. All PlaceOS templates additionally implement the PKCE extensions for additional security.

  1. First a user session must be established, there are two methods to achieve this

    • Local login, POST /auth/signin?

    • SSO login, GET /auth/oauth2?id=oauth2-id (generated as part of configuration)

  2. Extract the user cookie (if performing programatically)

  3. Perform the authorisation code flow to obtain a token, with the cookie header set

    • Authorise endpoint: /auth/oauth/authorize

    • Token endpoint: /auth/oauth/token

require "http"
require "uri"

# your client application is expected to know these (public information)
client_id = "797688xxxxxxxxxxx7a25be"
redirect_uri = URI.encode_path_segment "https://localhost:8443/backoffice/oauth-resp.html"
scope = "public"

# NOTE:: in a browser you won't need to handle this manually
auth_cookie = "user=y1GTR1Xf7ZuhoYGYtOuQVyY8hwUhbwnRoh%2FEuuB%2F7frquxI14zpCUqQqJZs%3D--QxluRWU9NngkNOA3--bTqBdZlpiGoOsBtRVV3Tnw%3D%3D"

# make the request
authorize_uri = "https://localhost:8443/auth/oauth/authorize?response_type=code&scope=#{scope}&client_id=#{client_id}&redirect_uri=#{redirect_uri}"
response = HTTP::Client.get authorize_uri, HTTP::Headers{"Cookie" => auth_cookie}

# parse the authorisation code out of the response header
# the location header will be the redirect URI with a code parameter
# example: `https://localhost:8443/backoffice/oauth-resp.html?code=tB2AUQQ8KXm`
location = response.headers["Location"]
code = location.split("code=").last

# Obtain the bearer token
token_uri = "http://localhost:8443/auth/oauth/token?grant_type=authorization_code&code=#{code}&client_id=#{client_id}&redirect_uri=#{redirect_uri}"
token_respose = token_uri

# => { "access_token":"eyJh", "token_type":"bearer", "expires_in":7200, "refresh_token":"CvUwMfso", "scope":"public", "created_at":1642051911 }

Last updated